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Orthotics Specialist

Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Albuquerque, NM & Santa Fe, NM

If you have foot, leg, or lower back problems, you might benefit from wearing custom orthotics. Unlike over-the-counter shoe inserts, orthotics are custom-designed to support the unique curvatures of your feet. At Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the team of board-certified podiatrists regularly prescribes orthotics to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal problems. To request your appointment at Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists today, call the office or click the online booking tool.

Orthotics Q & A

What are orthotics?

Orthotics, also called orthoses, are custom-crafted shoe inserts used to correct an irregular or abnormal walking pattern. They allow you to stand, walk, and run comfortably and efficiently.

At Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists, the team regularly uses orthotics to:

  • Correct foot deformities
  • Provide ankle support
  • Reduce the risk of future injuries
  • Improve foot and ankle function

Custom orthotics are more than your run-of-the-mill heel pad or shoe insert. You can’t buy them at a store, and they’re usually recommended as a last resort when other conservative treatments don’t provide relief.

What conditions can orthotics treat?

Orthotics are incredibly versatile. The team at Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists regularly prescribes them to ease the uncomfortable symptoms of conditions like:

  • Arthritis
  • Lower back pain
  • Bunions
  • Bursitis
  • Diabetes
  • Flat feet
  • Hammertoe
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Sports injuries

You could also benefit from treatment with orthotics if you have underdeveloped foot or leg muscles.

Are there different types of orthotics?

At Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists, the team offers several different types of orthotics, including:

Rigid orthotics

Rigid orthotics are made of materials like carbon fiber or plastic. They absorb shock, improve your balance, and take the pressure off uncomfortable or sore spots. To make rigid orthotics, your podiatrist takes a plaster cast of your foot. They send your cast to a lab that makes your custom orthotics.

Accommodative orthotics

Accommodative orthotics are soft, padded, and made of cushiony materials. These types of orthotics particularly benefit people with diabetes, arthritis, and deformed feet. Like rigid orthotics, your podiatrist creates your custom orthotics by taking a plaster cast of both feet.

Customized orthotics

The team at Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists offers more than 15 types of customized orthotics, including dress orthotics and sports orthotics. These custom-made inserts make participating in your normal routine easy and pain-free. Like rigid and accommodative orthotics, your podiatrist takes plaster casts of your feet to design your custom orthotics.

Are orthotics right for me?

Only a trained podiatrist can determine if orthotics are right for you. Following an exam of your feet and ankles, a review of your medical history, and a discussion of your symptoms, your podiatrist can develop a treatment plan that aligns with your individual needs.

To request an orthotics consultation at Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists today, call the office or click the online booking tool. It’s the first step toward a more active, pain-free life.