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Flat Foot Specialist

Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Albuquerque, NM & Santa Fe, NM

If flat feet cause you pain or affect your sports performance, the team of board-certified podiatrists at Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists in Albuquerque, New Mexico, offers simple solutions. They use physical therapy, taping, bracing, orthotics, and surgery in severe cases to correct flat feet. Schedule an appointment with Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists by phone or online to find out which flat feet treatment is right for you.

Flat Foot Q & A

What are flat feet?

Flat feet occur when the arches in your feet are flat instead of raised, allowing the soles of your feet to touch the ground when you stand, walk, or run. Flat feet can be painless, but sometimes they cause pain, stress, wear-and-tear, or problems with your knees and ankles. Treatment lowers your risk of pain and future complications and gives you increased mobility.

What are the symptoms of flat feet?

You might not experience symptoms with flat feet, but if you do, you could notice:

  • Heel or arch pain
  • Pain that gets worse with activity
  • Swelling near your ankles
  • Knee or ankle problems
  • Lack of raised foot arches
  • Poor gait or physical performance

If flat feet cause discomfort or make physical activity difficult, see the expert team at Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists for an evaluation.

What are the risk factors for flat feet?

Anybody can develop flat feet but the following things increase the chance you’ll develop the condition:

  • Years of wear-and-tear
  • Obesity
  • Foot and/or ankle injuries
  • Aging
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Most babies and toddlers have flat feet because foot arches develop later in life. Some children never develop arches, however, and can experience the problems associated with flat feet.

How are flat feet diagnosed?

Your podiatrist can diagnose flat feet by reviewing your symptoms and examining your feet as you stand up straight or on your toes. They might evaluate wear patterns in your shoes too. If you experience the foot or joint pain associated with flat feet, your specialist can use CT scans, MRIs, X-rays, or ultrasound to diagnose flat feet.

How are flat feet treated?

If flat feet aren’t a problem, you don’t necessarily need treatment. For severe cases of flat feet that cause pain or other issues, your podiatrist could suggest:

At-home treatments

Rest, ice, over-the-counter pain relievers, and weight loss (if you’re overweight) are often effective at-home treatments for flat feet.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines can reduce the inflammation and pain associated with flat feet.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy exercises strengthen your feet and can improve your running form during physical activity.


Taping your feet helps ease the pain associated with flat feet, especially during physical activity. Your podiatrist will show you how to do this effectively.

Bracing and orthotics

Wearing custom orthotics or braces can improve the position of feet arches, relieve pain, and improve athletic performance.


In severe cases of flat feet, surgery can be necessary to repair the bone as well as tendons and other soft tissue damage and restore your normal function.

Don't let flat feet affect your quality of life when simple treatments are within reach at Albuquerque Associated Podiatrists. Schedule an appointment by phone or online today.